Hello all, POTM24 is happening!! It will be on the 21st July, kicking off at 12.30pm. Get in touch quick to get yourself a 6 minute slot! Same format as previous times. Cinder caves up in Baildon moor, near the café. #poetsoftwitter #Poetry #poems Have some amazing collection of headliners.

It would be good if people could source a golf umbrella too as we tend to find that at some point there is light rain. Let’s not be put off by this. There will be poetry, some musical contributions. Also probably the Alpacas strutting their stuff, the Kite in the air, circling, keeping an eye on us. Please reply to say if you can or can’t come to read. Invite your friends. Open to any sort of poetry. It’s a public space, very close to Trig Point. POTM has always been about inclusivity, and that will always be the case, except for issues to do with criminality, for which I will remove you.
Please respond on here with words, not with an emoji if you want to perform. https://facebook.com/nicky.jrae.1 It’s atmospheric, it’s different than anything before. I think this is the 4th year now since I first created the event, and it’s still going strong. We tend to find that some poets bring their families, along with a picnic.