Peter Kay

Peter Kay


This week’s poem entitled ‘Manticore’. A Manticore is a mythical creature dating back to ancient Greek times. Google may tell you more. As always, I hope you enjoy! #WritingCommunity #Writerslift #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers #Authors #poetrytwitter #ShamelessSelfpromoFriday

Shoe rack

This week’s poem, is a prose poem inspired by something I saw at the home of my grandson’s friend when he went to play there after school…. As always, I hope you enjoy! #WritingCommunity #Writerslift #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers #Poems #Authors #ShamelessSelfpromoWednesday

Book sales update April 2024

Books update following the Harrogate Flower Show last weekend! #writersoftwitter #AuthorLife #BooksWorthReading #WritingCommunity Latest figures show: 172 copies of Show Me the Way to Santiago sold with £946 raised for MNDA 145 copies of A Very Alternative Coast to Coast…

Sundays down The Moss

This week’s poem, Sundays down The Moss – from times gone by. Have a good Friday everyone… As always, I hope you enjoy! #WritingCommunity #Writerslift #Books #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers #Poems #Authors #Writers #ReadersCommunity #ShamelessSelfpromoFriday


This week’s poem, following Mothering Sunday is named “Mothering”. Thank you to all the wonderful mothers… As always, I hope you enjoy! #WritingCommunity #Writerslift #Books #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers #Poems #Authors #Writers #ReadersCommunity #ShamelessSelfpromoWednesday

Lakeland Mist

This week’s poem, Lakeland Mist. As always, I hope you enjoy #WritingCommunity #Writerslift #Books #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers #Poems #Authors #Writers #ReadersCommunity #ShamelessSelfpromoWednesday Don’t forget all of my published poems are available to read on my website, along with upcoming news, information…


This week’s poem, Unseen. A poem constructed along the lines of a tight repeating line and rhyming structure. Essentially relating to the experience of many people who have arrived in this country and for 5/10/15 years have to survive without…