Peter Kay

Peter Kay

Outdoor Poetry event!

Looking forward to being able to share poetry for the first time in a non-zoom context, since before the pandemic began. Four weeks from today in an open space, not far from home, with a number of other local poets/writers,…


A poem from earlier in the year, reflecting that whilst we in the North may have had our historic differences, we have so much more in common than those down in the ‘south’ espoused by certain politicians. Northern Echoes Somewhere…


This 20 page Guide covers the route taken by John and I in 2017, along the Via Augusta from Cadiz on the south western Atlantic coast of Spain to Seville. It took us six days and was a follow on…


A poem after Denise Levertov. Her classic question and answer poem about Vietnam was a start point. My subject however, was a reflection on my walking from Seville to Santiago and my writing of that experience, in Show Me The…


This poem takes me back to Winter Sunday evenings in my mid-teens. My mother seemed to have a love affair with health food and natural ingredients and used seaweed based agar agar as a setting agent. I was the eldest…

Sharena Lee Satti Book launch event

Pleased to be able to join Sharena to celebrate the publication of her poetry collection SHE tonight and to be able to ‘zoom meet’ many other local poets to hear Sharena read and to also share each other’s poetry