Peter Kay

Peter Kay

Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square Early morning start, long walkto catch first train to the ‘smoke’,steam locomotive at the head,join the throngs from Aldermaston. Boys in blue, keeping pace with human tide,Hey, hey LBJ, how many kids ya kill today.Home-made banners, proclaim, protest,Ban…

Poetry Event from Nick Toczek

Great line-ups from Nick Toczek: “The Square Chapel asked me to programme and run a series of poetry gigs for them. They’re paying all the poets! Here are the first three amazing gigs I’ve booked. Please help by sharing the…


My Poem: Dominism, an erasure poem taken from the transcript of a Laura Kuensberg interview was published today within the International Times. Men of experience will have different styles,whilst citizens think of everything together.Culture saves some ability to expecthigh standards.…

Poetry pause

I have been very fortunate to be part of a poetry workshop over the past two years, facilitated by the very wonderful Gill Connors (Lambert). This has seen me write many poems and for the quality of those poems to…